Summary Report and Resolution Cape Town 2007

 Report of the Forty-Sixth Session,
2-6 July 2007, Cape Town (South Africa) 


                                        Contents                                                                                        Pages  

                 Preface                                                                                                    i - ii

I.                 Agenda of the Session                                                                            1 - 2 

II.                Bureau of the Session                                                                             3 - 3 

III.               Summary Record of the Inaugural Session of the                               4 - 12

                                Forty-Sixth Session held on 2nd July 2007 at 10:00 A.M. 

IV.              Summary Record of the First Meeting of the

                                Delegations of AALCO Member States held on                              13 - 24

                                2nd July 2007 at 11:45 A.M. 

V.               Summary Record of the Second Meeting of the

                                Delegations of AALCO Member States held on                              25 - 28

                                 2nd July 2007 at 03:00 P.M. 

VI.              Summary Record of the First General Meeting                                29 - 40

                                held on 2nd July 2007 at 03:45 P.M.

                           A. General Statements  

VII.             Summary Record of the Second General Meeting                            41 - 61

                                held on 3rd July 2007 at 10:00 A.M.

                          A.  General Statements (Continued) 

VIII.            Summary Record of the Third General Meeting                              62 - 82

                                held on 3rd July 2007 at 03:50 P.M.           

      A.  Report on the work of the International Law

                  Commission at its Fifty-eighth Session  

IX.              Summary Record of the Fourth General Meeting                           83 - 118

                                held on 5th July 2007 at 10:00 A.M.

                          A. The Law of the Sea                                                                            83 - 106

                          B. The Status and Treatment of Refugees                                             106 - 118 

X.               Summary Record of the Fifth General Meeting                             119 - 154

                                held on 5th July 2007 at 3:00 PM

                                A.  Deportation of Palestinians and other Israeli Practices among    119 - 129

                                      them the Massive Immigration and Settlement of Jews in all

                                      Occupied Territories in Violation of International Law

                                      particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949      

                               B.   The International Criminal Court: Recent Developments            129 - 136

                               C.   Establishing Cooperation against Trafficking in Women             136 - 145

           and Children 

                               D.  Human Rights in Islam                                                                  146 - 154 

                   XI.             Summary Record of the Reconvened Fifth General Meeting    155 - 194

                                     held on 6th July 2007 at 10:00 AM and 4:30 PM 

                               A.  WTO as Framework Agreement and Conduct for the World        155 - 163


                               B.   An Effective International Legal Instrument Against                   163 - 186


                               C.  Message of Thanks to the President of the Republic of                 186 - 188
                                     South Africa His Excellency Mr. Thabo Mbeki on behalf
                                     of the participating delegations in the Forty-Sixth Session
                                     of AALCO

                                     D.  Expressions of Folklore and its International Protection               188 - 194

                   XII.            Summary Record of the Third Meeting of Delegations of         195 - 203

                                    AALCO Member States, held on 6th July 2007 at 6:00 PM         

                               A.  Report on the AALCO’s Regional Centres for Arbitration         195 -198
                               B.  Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee                    198 - 199

                               C.  Adoption of Resolutions and Summary Report                           199 - 203 

                   XIII.           Summary Record of the Sixth General Meeting                      204 - 207

                                    (Concluding Session), held on 6th July 2007 at 6:30 PM 

                   XIV.           Summary Report of the Forty-Sixth Session                              208 - 245 

                   XV.            Resolutions Adopted by the Forty-Sixth Session                       246 - 268

A.     Resolutions on Organizational Matters                                     246 - 252

B.     Resolutions on Substantive Matters                                          252 - 265

C.     Resolutions adopted on One-day Special Meetings                  265 - 268 

                   XVI.           List of Participants                                                                     269 - 287