AALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering Terrorism

AALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering Terrorism

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the AALCO on 3rd - 4th July 2024 at Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, jointly organized a two-day “AALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering Terrorism”. The Conference saw participation from 70 persons, including representatives from the AALCO Member States, AALCO Secretariat, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes (UNODC), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), African Union (AU) and academia. 

In the Inaugural segment of the Conference H.E. Dr. Reza Najafi, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran delivered the Keynote Address. H.E. Dr. Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol, Secretary-General, AALCO delivered Special Remarks. H.E. Dr. Seyed Ali Mousavi, Director-General of the Department for International Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran delivered the welcome remarks while H.E. Mr. Alexander Fedulov, UNODC Iran Country Representative made a special address. H.E. Dr. Abbasali Kadkhodaei, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran delivered the Opening Statement. 

Following the inauguration Panel discussions structured on theme of “Preventing and Countering Terrorism”, “Role of International and Regional Organizations in Preventing and Countering Terrorism”; and “State and Individual Responsibility for Terrorism” took place. H.E. Dr. Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol, Secretary-General, AALCO spoke on the theme “AALCO as an Asian-African platform for capacity-building and sharing of best practices on international law of counter terrorism”, in the second panel. In his address, the Secretary-General explained about the genesis of AALCO, the importance of Bandung spirit of friendship, cooperation and solidarity in taking the work of AALCO forward and highlighted the work done by AALCO on the topic of international terrorism. During the course of the Conference, senior officials from the Iranian Government, representatives from UNODC, SCO, AU and distinguished academic from AALCO Member States made presentations.  The Conference witnessed lively exchange of views between the panellists and the participants.  Dr. Ali Hasankhani, DSG, AALCO and Dr. Shikhar Ranjan, Director, AALCO also participated in the Conference.

H.E. Dr. Reza Najafi, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran; H.E. Dr. Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol, Secretary-General, AALCO; H.E. Dr. Abbasali Kadkhodaei, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran; H.E. Dr. Seyed Ali Mousavi, Director-General of the Department for International Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Dr. Hassan Soleimani, Head of the Division for Treaties and Public International Law and former Deputy Secretary-General, AALCO addressed the Concluding Session of the Conference.  

AALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering TerrorismAALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering TerrorismAALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering TerrorismAALCO Regional Conference on Preventing and Countering Terrorism