The AALCO Journal of International Law invites submissions of well-researched, original scholarly articles for its upcoming issue {vol. 13 (2025)} focused on regional organizations & international law. The journal welcomes contributions from academicians, practitioners, government experts, and students on a wide range of legal topics within the field of international law, with a particular focus on the theme of “The Contributions of Regional Organizations to International Law.” AALCO, with its diverse membership and focus on Asian-African perspectives, offers a unique platform for exploring the contributions of regional organizations to international law.
About AALCO and its Journal
The Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1956 to foster cooperation among Asian and African states on international legal matters. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, AALCO serves as a consultative body to its Member States, providing a platform for the exchange of views on issues of international law. AALCO collaborates with various international organizations, including the United Nations, on matters of common interest.
The AALCO Journal of International Law is a peer-reviewed publication published annually by the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). The journal was first published in 2012. It was preceded by the publication AALCO Quarterly Bulletin, which was published from 1976 to 2011.
Theme and Sub-Themes
This issue of the AALCO Journal of International Law seeks to explore the multifaceted ways in which regional organizations contribute to the development, interpretation, and implementation of international law. Regional organizations play an increasingly important role in shaping the international legal landscape, often serving as laboratories for innovative legal approaches and as crucial actors in addressing global challenges.
Submissions are encouraged on a variety of sub-themes, including but not limited to:
- The Role of Specific Regional Organizations in Shaping International Legal Norms: Contributions of specific regional organizations such as the African Union (AU), European Union (EU), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), or Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—to international legal frameworks.
- Regional Organizations and Customary International Law: How do regional organizations contribute to the formation and identification of customary international law? How does regional practice influence the development of universal norms?
- Regional Organizations and Treaty-Making: How do regional organizations participate in the negotiation and implementation of international treaties? What are the unique challenges and opportunities presented by regional treaty regimes?
- The Relationship between Regional Organizations and the United Nations: How do regional organizations interact with the United Nations and its specialized agencies? How can cooperation between regional and global organizations be enhanced to address common challenges?
- Regional Organizations and the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes: What role do regional organizations play in the prevention and resolution of conflicts? What are the strengths and weaknesses of regional mechanisms for dispute settlement?
- Regional Organizations and the Protection of Human Rights: How do regional human rights regimes interact with universal human rights standards? What are the best practices and challenges in the promotion and protection of human rights at the regional level?
- Regional Organizations and International Environmental Law: How do regional organizations address transboundary environmental challenges? What are the key legal frameworks and institutions for environmental cooperation at the regional level?
- The Role of Regional Organizations in Promoting Economic Cooperation and Development: How do regional organizations contribute to economic integration and development? What are the legal and institutional frameworks for regional trade and investment?
- The Impact of Regional Organizations on International Security: How do regional security arrangements contribute to international peace and stability? What are the legal and political challenges associated with regional security cooperation?
- The Future of Regional Organizations in International Law: How are regional organizations adapting to the changing global landscape? What are the emerging trends and challenges for regional cooperation in the 21st century?
Editorial Policy
1. Originality: Only original manuscripts addressing contemporary topics in international law will be considered. Submissions must not have been published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.
2. Scope: The journal welcomes a variety of contributions, including:
- Full-length research articles (5,000–10,000 words)
- Notes (4,000–5,000 words)
Submission Requirements
1. Abstract: Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 500 words summarizing the key arguments and findings.
2. Declaration: Authors must include a declaration confirming the originality of their work and that it is not under consideration elsewhere.
3. Copyright: Copyright for published articles vests with the journal and its contributors. Reproduction requires prior written permission from the Editors.
Formatting Guidelines
1. Font and Layout:
- Use Georgia font, size 12 for the main text, and size 10 for footnotes.
- Body text should be double-spaced; footnotes should be single-spaced.
- Maintain 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins uniformly throughout the manuscript.
2. Header: Include the author’s name and page numbers in the document header.
3. Spelling: Follow British English spelling standards as per the Oxford English Dictionary.
Referencing Style
- All citations must conform to the Oxford Standard Citation for Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), 4th Edition (2006).
- Only recognized abbreviations should be used, as per the Cardiff Index on Legal Abbreviations.
Oxford Standard Citation for Legal Authorities, (4th Edition), 2006 (OSCOLA) is available in full at:
for quick reference:
for international law sources:
Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format via email to on or before 31st May 2025.