Articles |
Pages |
1 |
Kamalinne Pinipuvadol |
9 |
Bharat Gurugavendran and Arindrajit Basu |
Codifying the uncodified: A study on customary international law from a South Asian perspective |
31 |
Sagar Verma |
Proposed EU-India investment agreement: what of the ISDS clause? |
39 |
Sujaya Sanjay |
The International Law Commission’s (ILC) Report on Peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens): Has the ILC seconded the ICJ? |
59 |
Atul Alexander |
79 |
Vijay Kishore Tiwari and Surbhi Khyati |
95 |
Abdul Aziz Al-Rawahi |