Fourth AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum

The 4th Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Annual Arbitration Forum (AAAF) was successfully held on 20th and 21st February 2025 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This event was jointly hosted by AALCO, the Legal Affairs Division, Prime Minister’s Department of Malaysia (BHEUU, JPM), and the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC).

The event took place at two exclusive venues: The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur on Day 1 and the AIAC’s Bangunan Sulaiman on Day 2. The Forum brought together distinguished leaders and experts in international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) field, reaffirming a shared commitment to strengthening dispute resolution frameworks across the Asian-African regions.

The Forum was inaugurated by esteemed guests including The Honourable Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform); His Excellency Dr Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol, Secretary-General of AALCO; and The Honourable Tuan M. Kulasegaran, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform), along with other distinguished figures.

The event began with welcoming remarks by YBhg. Dato' Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Director of the AIAC, followed by special remarks by The Honourable Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said and keynote address delivered by H.E. Dr. Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol.

The formal launch of the AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum 2025 was officiated by H.E. Dr Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol, The Honourable Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said, The Honourable Tuan M. Kulasegaran, and other distinguished guests, marking the beginning of the Forum’s engaging sessions.

The forum saw distinguished experts who shared significant insights during the course of six sessions over the two-day forum. The Sessions delved into matters of evolving landscapes of ISDS of investment treaties and ISDS mechanisms across Asia and Africa, Technology and ADR, Regional alliance in strengthening the ADR in Asian and Africa, Enforcement of Arbitral awards across borders and empowering the younger generation to the aspiring arbitrators.

The forum was concluded by closing remarks from Ybhg. Datuk Almalena Sharmila Johan, Director of the AIAC.

The two-day Forum was a resounding success providing valuable insights and practical solutions for the future of arbitration and dispute resolution in the Asian-African regions.

Fourth AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum


Fourth AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum


Fourth AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum


Fourth AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum


Fourth AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum