- Verbatim Record of 51st Annual Session, 2012
- Summary Report for 51st Annual Session-Nigeria-2012
- Final Resolutions
Organizational Matters
RES/51/ORG 1 Report of Secretary-General on Organizational, Administrative and Financial Matters
RES/51/ORG 1A Revision of AALCO’s Gratuity Scheme for the Locally Recruited Staff
RES/51/ORG 2 AALCO's Budget for the Year 2013
RES/51/ORG 2A Sub-Committee on the AALCO Secretariat’s Human Resources and Financial Matters
RES/51/ORG 3 Report on the AALCO’s Regional Arbitration Centres
RES/51/ORG 4 Report on the Centre for Research and Training of the AALCO
RES/51/ORG 5 Reappointment of the Secretary-General
Substantive Matters
RES/51/S 3 The Status and Treatment of Refugees
RES/51/S 5 The Legal Protection of Migrant Workers
RES/51/S 6 Extra-Territorial Application of National Legislation: Sanctions Imposed Against Third Parties
RES/51/S 8 Establishing Cooperation Against Trafficking in Women and Children
RES/51/S 9 International Criminal Court: Recent Developments
RES/51/S 10 Environment and Sustainable Development
RES/51/S 11 Challenges in Combating Corruption: The Role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
RES/51/S 12 Report on the Work of UNCITRAL and other International Organization concerned with International Trade Law
RES/51/S 13 WTO as a Framework Agreement and Code of Conduct for World Trade
RES/51/S 14 Expressions of Folklore and its International Protection
RES/51/SP 1 Resolution on the Special Meeting on “Selected Items on the Agenda of the International Law Commission”
RES/51/SP 2 Resolution on the Special Meeting on “Law of the Sea: Responses to Piracy: International Legal Challenges”
RES/51/SP 3 Resolution on the Special Meeting on “International Terrorism”